Tailwind Vs. Custom Style Sheets

Tailwind Vs. Custom Style Sheets

January 16, 2025

I like Tailwind because you don’t have to think about the cascading or specificity aspects when styling (as much).

I dislike Tailwind because websites using it1 are harder to style with a custom CSS style sheet. Under the “Advanced” tab in Safari’s settings there’s an option to load your own style sheet which is applied to any website you go to. The issue is if you write lots of custom styles for different websites you run in to scope pollution. To account for this it’s “safer” to use highly specific selectors to avoid styles overlapping between websites.

A side effect of using Tailwind is developers don’t waste brain power thinking of uniquely named classes. Reduces cognitive load, but for the few of us who use browser specified style sheets2sigh.


  1. I had a swell time styling the web interface for Transmission! Not a p-3 in sight…

  2. Maybe your browser supports loading different style sheets per browser—mine doesn’t. There are third party extensions, like userscripts for Safari, but the ones I’ve tried had issues.